Don’t miss our own George Hawkins and Anniestacia
Denton at the Reservoir Center in Washington DC on
April 25!
The “Careers for Change: Water is Life” keynote
discussion will feature George and Anniestacia
interviewing each other about their work on WASH
(water, sanitation, and hygiene) issues in the United
States and abroad.
“Since beginning my career, I’ve been blessed to have
amazing mentors who have generously poured insights
and inspiration into me through sharing the ways they’ve
leveraged their careers to impact the world around
them,” said Anniestacia. “I’m incredibly grateful and
excited to pay forward some of that inspiration to the
next person as part of this event!”
Thursday April 25th | 5:30 - 8:30 PM EDT
Reservoir Center | 301 Water St SE; Washington, DC
RSVP online; entry will be first-come, first-served!