Utility Name:
Dorchester County Sanitary District, Maryland
Areas of Impact: Nutrient Removal, Watershed Protection, Resiliency to Rising Sea Levels, Capital Investment & SRF Funding
Campbell Foundation
Dorchester County sits on the lower eastern shore of Maryland and is home to approximately 33,000 residents. Due to the community’s location within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, aging Bermed Infiltration Ponds (BIPs) pose an potential threat to both public health and the sensitive water quality of the Chesapeake Bay.
The Maryland Department of the Environment called in Moonshot Missions to provide technical assistance for solutions to replace failing BIPs, secure funding, and address personnel turnover at the utility.
Moonshot organized several meetings between engineering firms, Maryland Department of the Environment, and Dorchester County Sanitation District to complete a holistic needs assessment and define a strategy to secure funding. Once Moonshot helped prioritize which BIPs to decommission and either be replaced or tied to the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant, the team assisted the County to prepare State Revolving Fund (SRF) applications. Dorchester County is expected to receive SRF funding in three phases to implement permanent solutions to these challenges. Moonshot is also provided guidance on how the Sewerage District can reorganize with new personnel and training.